Norwegian rescue services are carried out through cooperation between government agencies, voluntary organisations and private companies who have resources appropriate for rescue services.

SAR cooperation plan
A SAR cooperation plan must be developed by the ship, ship-owner and the SAR (search and rescue) services in accordance with the guidelines of the International Maritime Organization IMO (MSC / Circ. 1079 / Rev. 1 with appendices). The aim of SAR cooperation planning is to enhance mutual understanding between a ship, the ship-owner and SAR services so that in the event of an emergency, all three parties will be able to work together efficiently. The information included in the plan must be readily available and up to date.
Learn more: Take a look at the SAR cooperation plan
Download the plan (pdf):
SAR Cooperation Plan (JRCC Bodø & JRCC Stavanger, 2024)
About the Norwegian JRCCs
The Joint Rescue Coordination Centres have the overall operational responsibility during search and rescue operations. The operations are coordinated either directly from one of two Joint Rescue Coordination Centres (JRCC) which are situated in Bodø and in Sola near Stavanger, or through one of 13 rescue sub centres.
The border between the counties Trøndelag and Nordland, at 65 degrees north, also marks the border between JRCC Bodø and JRCC Stavanger.
Norway is a sparsely populated land stretching far to the north. The area of responsibility for Norwegian SAR-services, that is the Norwegian Search and Rescue Region (SRR), is extensive. It extends from 57 degrees north in the North Sea to the North Pole and from the 0 meridian (the border between Norway and the UK North Sea) to 35 degrees east.
How do I notify?
Notification of an accident is given to the JRRC or to the nearest police authority on the emergency telephone number 112. Notification of a missing person is given to the police.
Integration and coordination
In Norway, SAR (search and rescue) is an official designation denoting immediate response to an emergency to rescue persons from death or injury. Action to save property, production or the environment is not part of the Norwegian SAR service’s mission, nor is preventive action within its scope of activity.
The Norwegian SAR Service maintains an integrated coordination structure, which means that each joint rescue coordination centre is prepared to handle land, sea or air operations, rescue operations on offshore oil or gas installations, as well as operations requiring international cooperation.
Furthermore, the principle of the cooperative organization is a prominent feature of the Norwegian SAR Service.
This gives us a costeffective, highly efficient system and the best possible vantage point for supervision and command. This arrangement is unique in a world-wide perspective.
These services are performed through a cooperative effort involving government agencies, voluntary organizations and private enterprise.
Operations and enquiries
Operations and enquiries
Open 24 hours for alarms, enquiries regarding operations and media enquiries.
Administration is open from 08.00-15.30.
Mail address:
Postbox 1016
8001 Bodø